Jurassic World and Guardians Of The Galaxy Star Chris Pratt shares the best nine important lessons ever

While accepting the Generation Award at the recent MTV Movie And TV Awards, Chris Pratt (a.k.a Star Lord) gave a standout speech that I couldn't help but share.

Why do i feel the need of posting this? I use to have a picture of Pratt in my head that screamed "Bad Boy." But seeing this, especially learning that he's Godly and wants other people to know, I am awed.

He started off funny - if he didn't, he wouldn't be Chris Pratt, would he?
I've learnt a lot off this... you should.

"This being the Generation Award, I’m
going to cut to the chase and I am going
to speak to you, the next generation." he started off after thanking his loved ones. "I
accept the responsibility as your elder.
So, listen up."

"Nine Rules from Chris Pratt, Generation Award Winner"

(1) "Breathe. If you don’t, you will

(2) "You have a soul. Be careful with it."

(3) "Don’t be a turd. If you are strong, be
a protector. If you are smart, be a
humble influencer. Strength and
intelligence can be weapons, so do not
wield them against the weak. That makes
you a bully. Be bigger than that."

(4) "When giving a dog medicine, put the
medicine in a little piece of hamburger
and they won't even know they're eating

(5) "It doesn't matter what it is. Earn it.
A good deed. Reach out to someone in
pain. Be of service. It feels good and it's
good for your soul."

(6) "God is real. God loves you, God
wants the best for you. Believe that, I

(7) "If you have to poop at a party, but
you're embarrassed because you're going
to stink up the bathroom, just do what I
do. Lock the door, sit down, get all of the
pee out first. And then, once all the pee
is done, poop, flush, boom! You
minimize the amount of time that the
poop's touching the air.

"Because if you poop first, it takes you
longer to pee and then you're peeing on
top of it, stirring up the poop particles,
create a cloud, goes out, then everyone at
the party will know that you pooped. Just
trust me, it's science."

(8) "Learn to pray. It's easy, and it is so
good for your soul."

(9) "Nobody is perfect. People will tell
you that you are perfect just the way that
you are, you are not! You are imperfect.
You always will be, but there is a
powerful force that designed you that
way, and if you are willing to accept
that, you will have grace."
"And grace is a gift. Like the freedom
that we enjoy in this country, that grace
was paid for with somebody else's blood.
Do not forget that. Don't take that for

Number 3 and 9 (and 4) did it for me but that was an awesome list. Ratings will surely spike if we have more this and less political jibberish.

Thank you, my favourite Chris.

Who's your favorite Chris?


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